Syndee Nuckles of shares some techno talk!
What is your favorite piece of technology ?
"Boy that is tough, it’s hard to narrow it down to just one! I would have to say my iMac, I was a PC user for many years even though I started out with a Mac. I just love everything about it, it’s more of a friend than a computer! I just love how easy it is to use and it doesn’t talk back to me unless I want it to."
Share a bit about your photography background.
"I was so fortunate to grow up with a Father who loves to take photographs and he takes such beautiful ones. The only drawback is that I am not the photographer my Dad is. I just try to document my family and our life in photos and thank goodness for photoshop! It’s wonderful for editing photos.
I love to zoom in close and find myself drawn to black and white photos. I think part of my love affair with black and white photos is due to my Dad and the memories of his old black and white dark room kit. It was like magic to see negative film turn into photos!"
What digital software do you use?
"I use Photoshop & Illustrator CS5. I would have to say the tool I use the most would be styles. Photoshop styles make it easy to add effects whether it’s a crumpled paper or wood to just about anything with the click of a button!
A great technique to lighten up a photo that’s too dark is to make a duplicate of the photo in you layers palette cmd+J (Mac) ctrl+J (Win). Making sure your top photo in the layers palette is selected go to your blending modes and select screen. Now use the slider to adjust the screen setting until you are happy with the results."