Featured artist Traci Reed, from Traci Reed Designs shares with us her techno insights! Enjoy!
What is your favorite piece of technology?
"Ay yi yi, I don’t think I can choose between my iMac and my Canon 7D. I couldn’t live without either! If I had to choose, I’d say my 7D because it’s brand new and makes my heart pitter pat when I look at the pictures it makes!"
Share a bit about your photography background.
"I was actually a professional photographer for a number of years before getting into scrapbooking, but I’ve found with my own layouts, that I’ve learned to accept imperfection. My photos are sometimes overexposed or blurry and I use them anyway!"
What digital software do you use?
"I use Adobe CS4 Suite and my most favorite tool is command + z (undo)! Don’t be afraid to really experiment, undo is your friend and in digital scrapbooking, nothing you do to your page is permanent!"